Sunday, November 13, 2011

Two Steps forward and blam!

Do you ever feel that everytime you take 2 steps forward it is only to slam into another wall?  This is something that happens in all aspects of life including, relationships, business, leisure and it is all so frustrating.

Here are some things you can to do relieve that frustration:

Physical activity, execrise, a long walk often helps.
Also, watch a movie, listen to uplifting music, anything to distract you from your negative thoughts.

Turn to God in prayer!
Keep it real admit your frustrations before God.  He knows how you feel anyway!  Then ask Him to show you a token of His goodness.

Take your personal power back which you do by choosing what you want in your life.

Seek to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what others' opinions are and you will be a happy person

 Let it flow out of your mind and body. Your mind or body holds the frustration or tension and if you fail to let it out, it just keeps building up.

Talk with someone close or clear your doubts with the person who is its source. Try centering your discussion around the issue that caused your frustration.

Write out your frustrated feelings. It will help you in relaxing your mind and relieving it off the frustrated thoughts.

Being patient is the key to managing your frustration.

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